The minimum wage in Norway applies in nine industries.
Gorm Kallestad / NTB
The employer is responsible for ensuring that you have a contract of employment.
Workers risking their lives.
You discover that your wages are not being paid as agreed upon. Some useful suggestions for what you can do.
These are the rules that apply to overtime pay in Norway.
Tormod Ytrehus
Wage rates were raised in a variety of industries in the run-up to the summer holidays.
Brian Cliff Olguin
Find out more about how much Norwegian salaries will rise.
These are the rules that apply to lay-offs.
Here are the new minimum wage rates for nine industries.
A female mechanic was successful in her sexual harassment lawsuit against two customers. Her lawsuit was pivotal in defining sexual harassment in the workplace.
Check out what a normal monthly wage is in Norway.
Find out what your holiday entitlements are.
How much will my pension be?
Anna Granqvist
Redink Fartein Rudjord/Ruter, Sissel M. Rasmussen, Erlend Angelo
No, the aim of the ban on labour hire in the Oslo area is not to get rid of foreign workers in Norway. Find out more here.
Erlend Angelo
Most employees in Norway will soon have their wages increased. Here you can read a brief explanation of the collective bargaining process.
Emmie Olivia Kristiansen
The attitudes of Norwegians towards immigrants have become increasingly more positive over the last two decades.
If inspections (photograph) reveal that employees are not being paid what they are entitled to, their employer risks imprisonment for up to six years.
Håvard Sæbø
In order to qualify for sickness benefit, you must submit a self-certification notification or a sick note.
Tri Nguyen Dinh
Norway does not have a common minimum wage for all workers. Yet, the law ensures minimum wages within nine industries. This is especially important for foreign workers.
Roy Solstad/Martin Slørdal/Håvard Sæbø
The most common type of injury is from falling, with about 5000 cases a year.
Whilst a waiter would on average make 29.850 kroner per month, a financial broker on average has monthly earnings of 96.150 kroner.
During supervision, the Labour Inspection Authority will, for example, check if the scaffolding is built correctly and if the workers have the required personal protective equipment. (ILLUSTRASJONSFOTO)
The waiter, the store employee, and the waste collector can all feel pain caused by repetitive strain on the body.
Martin Guttormsen Slørdal og Sissel M. Rasmussen
Egle Rimdziute and Mindaugas Giedraitis work together in Northern Norway with window production.
Even though they were awarded compensation by the District Court, the 52 former employees now must wait even longer for a possible payment from Vlantana Norway.
Stein Inge Stølen
– I do not get supplemental pay when I drive domestically in Norway. It is the first I’ve ever heard of this, says a Filipino freight driver, who has many domestic assignments in Norway.
You can now read articles from FriFagbevegelse in Lithuanian, Polish and English.
Martin Guttormsen Slørdal
TEMPORARY WORKER: – I would like Norway to be a good place to work, says scaffolder Isaac Maqbul.
Collective agreements can secure workers more favourable rights than the statutory rights, such as better working hours, overtime pay, pension and paid holidays.
MINIMUM WAGE: Norway has no statutory minimum wage for all workers. But in, among others, construction sites, cleaning, fish processing and agriculture the minimum wage of the collective agreement applies to everyone who works within these industries.